Newswire - February 2022

When it comes to brand recall, CTV far surpasses every other digital medium: Fully 46% of consumers saying that TV and streaming ads are the most memorable, compared to only 33% for social media (the next most recalled ad type). Not even "second screening" seems to hurt CTV user engagement — in fact, 31% of TV watchers have used a mobile device to research or purchase the products they see advertised. (TV Tech)

New data on iOS and Android users highlights how targeting a particular mobile device OS (operating system) is not a good substitute for a thoughtful audience strategy. Advertisers looking to maximize performance should adjust their tactics to target users by demographics, device age, or even household income directly, rather than using device OS as a stand-in for these characteristics. (Digiday)

Many ad-tech players have started exploring "closed-loop attribution" methods, conversion measurement techniques that take into account every phase of the customer journey (not just "high-performing" last-click strategies). This trend is being driven by the rise of CTV, Programmatic Audio, and DOOH (Digital Out-of-Home); these emerging channels will require a new approach to attribution in order to fully understand their effect on consumers. (Forbes)


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