Newswire - July 2022

Time spent on social media has plateaued around the world, with consumers increasingly spending time streaming music and podcasts, gaming, reading articles, and watching online TV. Fully three quarters of consumer time is now spent on this "open internet" inventory, compared to only a quarter spent on social platforms — great news for campaigns leveraging digital audio, CTV, and more traditional programmatic tactics. (The Trade Desk)

Location data yields crucial insights, but every industry uses it differently: The Location Intelligence 2022 survey shows by vertical how businesses apply this information. Retail and real estate use location data for geotargeted marketing, financial services and tourism leverage it to improve the customer experience, and transport and logistics (perhaps unsurprisingly) use it to plan their routes and optimizations. (Insider Intelligence)

Google has offered to open up access to YouTube (and potentially its Google Search Network) to third-party ad tech companies in an effort to battle a slew of antitrust lawsuits. has already announced plans to offer access to Google-specific inventory through their programmatic platform and, should the deal go through, other DSPs are likely to follow. (Reuters)


All's Well that Streams Well


Getting Started with Programmatic Audio