Newswire - June 2021

Nearly half of advertisers and agencies anticipate spending more this year on “identity resolution,” the process of collecting and matching user identifiers across devices and touchpoints, while only 3% plan to spend less. As cookies crumble and user tracking becomes more elusive, delivering a personalized, contextually relevant message is growing increasingly complex. (Pubmatic)

Google has released more information about its proposed cookieless solution “FLoC,” a new approach that assigns users to cohorts based on similar interests. Google claims that this “privacy-first,” approach will appeal to consumers, but privacy advocates say the company would maintain too much control over user data and categories -- meanwhile, advertisers have voiced concerns about the potential inaccuracy of depersonalized tracking information. (Wired)

Users spent more time with digital audio media in 2020 than ever before, unlocking new insights about audio listeners: They skew younger and they tend to pay-attention (particularly podcast listeners.) These demographic and usage insights are sure to entice advertisers to consider a relatively new category in digital advertising, the “screen-free” audio ad. (Digiday)


Newswire - July 2021


IOS is i-ok